Welcome to Clitheroe


Shopper Information

Welcome to the Shop Clitheroe loyalty card scheme.

For all details and an application form please click here (PDF).

What is the Shop Clitheore loyalty card?

The Shop Clitheroe loyalty card has been created to enhance your experience within Clitheroe. Every time you spend over £5 in one of Clitheroe’s participating businesses you will receive a loyalty stamp. Collect ten stamps and be entered into a free prize draw to win £50 worth of gift vouchers.

Draws will take place every month and on top of this, your card will entitle you to special offers and discounts that businesses may offer throughout the year.

Step-by-Step guide to getting started

  1. Complete the application form found here and return this to a town centre Membership Station. A list of these stations can be found on the website here or ask at any business displaying the ‘Shop Clitheroe’ logo for directions.

  2. Start shopping! Wherever you see the ‘Shop Clitheroe’ logo you can use your loyalty card. Spend over £5 and you’ll receive a stamp. Note only one stamp per transaction is allowed.

  3. Collect 10 stamps and hand in your completed card to be entered into the free monthly draw with a chance to win 5 x £10 Shop Clitheroe gift vouchers to be spent in any participating business.

  4. Once you’ve completed a card you’ll automatically be given a new one to fill and you can enter multiple completed cards into each monthly draw. You keep spending, we keep stamping!

Details of the draw

Each month an independent adjudicator will select a winning loyalty card. The owner of the card will be contacted by Clitheroe Chamber of Trade and Commerce and presented with £50 worth of gift vouchers redeemable across any of the ‘Shop Clitheroe’ participating businesses. Details of each draw will also be printed in the Clitheroe Advertiser and Times.

Participating businesses

Click here to see a list of all participating businesses.

Membership stations

Click here to see a list of all membership stations.